Monday, April 5

Easter Sunrise

K and I went to the 63d Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks yesterday
and it was a beautiful experience. I was so surprised at the number
of people there, but it could not have been a more perfect morning to
be outside for such an event, espcially considering last year they had
snow and rain. We got some great pictures of sunrise at Red Rocks and
I was so glad we made the effort to get up so early and go.
After a pecan waffle (for me) and cornbeef hash (for K) breakfast at
the neighborhood cafe, we returned home to put on an Elk roast (thanks
to our friend AB's 200 lb kill earlier in the year) and take the dogs
to Washington Park, all before 9:30! It was one of the prettiest days
in Colorado yet. We enjoyed the people (and dog) watching at Wash
Park, while the doggies made some friends and got some exercise. K
and I got a little exercise too when we rented the surrey for an hour
and biked around the was pretty hilarious but a good workout
nonetheless. It was so refreshing seeing all the diverse groups of
people out taking advantage of the day and reason to gather and have
some good times in the sunshine.
Hope everyone else had an enjoyable day as well!

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