Monday, April 5

Biggest snow storm was the last snow of the year!

These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.

On March 23d, just after we had gotten about 10 inches of snow, the biggest snow storm I had experienced yet rolled into town!  We probably had gotten at least 6 inches just shortly after the storm started around 5 p.m.  It was coming down so hard and fast and the biggest flurries I had ever seen...K actually used the word "blizzard" conditions!  Ha.  Just as we had started to cook our baked Sea Bass with sweet potatoes and peas, the power went out...thanks goodness it was still light outside and we had a gas eye already lit on the stove.  We ate by candlelight and soon the power was restored.  Thankfully we did not have to go the night without heat.  The next morning EVERYTHING was white!! . . . the power lines, the trees, the fences, everything had at least an inch, if not two perched upon it.  It was beautiful.  We took lots of pictures and then started shoveling...and that is when I no longer thought it was beautiful ;)  The snow was as heavy as mud! We were both sore for two days from shoveling. 

Though, I am happy to say that as I am writing this entry the last bit of snow (literally the tiniest bit of dirty, icey snow) is minutes from melting away.  I think we've seen the last of it!
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