Thursday, January 20

New Vocabulary

Yesterday evening as I was driving home from commuting from work to the rail station we had parked the car, and as we had gotten about three inches of snow in the last four hours or so, I started thinking about this whole new set of vocabulary terms that I have had to (or by default) have acquired here in Colorado.  Words like: white out - when it's snowing so hard out, its just white out; black ice - when the road is frozen; blizzard - not that it's a new word but I sure as hell never used it back in Mississippi; also, along those same lines is snow shovel, slush, gropple, beanie . . . You get the idea.  Of course those are just snow/weather terminology, but it's just a whole other world out here ;)  

Really though, being from a completely different region of the country honestly does make the most mundane everyday life things seem out of the ordinary to me.  I love it!  I love being so far out of my element that the everyday isn't even "everyday."  It excites me for the most part.  And honsetly, I don't even really do any of the more adventurous stuff out here.  haha.  I mean I do want to I just haven't gotten around to it all yet.  Honestly.