Tuesday, May 11

April - 1st of May Pictures

We had a good April! Rockies started their season and we went
downtown for opening weekend, though haven't gone into the stadium
yet. Got to see Robert Earl Keen in Vail, amongst a few snow
flurries. Hung out with A for Shakedown Street at Quixotes and caught Dirty Dozen at the Bluebird just last weekend. AND
I got my first paycheck :)

This weekend we are going to Estes Park to catch a Jazz Festival and Art Walk in downtown Estes. Staying the night in a little Inn and
planning to hike through Rocky Mountain National Park on Sunday.
Right now they are forecasting 1-2 feet of snow in Estes for tomorrow
and temperatures are barely going to be in the 50s by Saturday. It
should be beautiful (and chilly)!

These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
Try it out here: http://picasa.google.com/

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