Friday, April 9

Absolutely beautiful day

My day was made by 1:00 p.m. when my 76 lb four-legged sweetie decided to plop herself down, across my chest as I laid in the backyard enjoying the sunshine.   . . . and that is the picture of me trying to capture this.

Oh today has been another struggle between being naturally happy with the beautiful weather and the opportunity to do whatever I please with my day.  Yet at this point, all I want to do is get up and go to a job.  As I sat outside reading last month's (or the one before) Real Simple, that was all about making time for yourself all I could think was "I am sick and tired of having "time for myself".  How ironic, I know.  In case anyone was keeping score, I got two rejection letters today and was not "selected" for four other positions that I applied to, including one that I actually did have an interview.  Another week has ended and I STILL do not have a job.

I did try to find organizations that I can begin volunteering with.  Although, the online application with the Denver Public Library had a glitch and it was not working so I will have to go in and complete that one.  All in all, it has been a frustrating week on that front.

However, it is shaping up to be a gorgeous weekend here and K is off so I know we'll make the most of it.  Again, I am glad I am here but I am steadily loosing faith that a job will come.

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