Sunday, December 26

Merry Christmas and WE'RE ENGAGED!

We had a wonderful Christmas and boy was it full of surprises!!  No. 1 best surprise was of course, K proposing!!!!!  He'd been fretting over a last minute package coming USPS from his mom, and my only crossing thought was "Well, I don't think he would USPS a ring here," and so I put any thought of such behind me and just figured it was something else.  He's such a worry-wart but boy did he play down his nerves well because I never suspected . . . although he did have us up and doing Christmas gifts before 8 A.M.!  Ha.  After we'd opened our gifts, he said there was one more for me on the tree and that I had to find it.  Looking for a new Christmas ornament, after about a minute or two he narrowed down my search to the top part and then I spotted a RING hanging from a branch.  And yes, he did officially ask "Will you marry me?"  I was crying as soon as I saw the ring.  He really did surprise me good and swept me off my feet for the second time.  Don't get me wrong, I knew we'd get married but I had really gotten the impression that we wouldn't do the whole "engaged/ring" part or at least not anytime too soon.  I can only describe my feelings as, SO Happy!!  That doesn't really do them justice because I'm feeling so much more certain and true with all of this than ever before, and a real deep sense of sincerity . . . 

Friday, December 24

from the Democrat:

Kiley Goforth and Corby Mason of Denver, Colo. came home for a visit and the infant baptism of Corby's 6-month-old niece, Molly Mason Harrington. Baby Molly's family, Reed, Yancey and 7-year-old Mary Presley welcomed visiting family and friends to First United Methodist Church of Brandon for the morning worship service, presided over by pastors Goeffrey Joyner and Daniel Herring.

Brunch was served in the Harrington home to paternal grandparents Billy and Brenda Harrington of Starkville and brother Kirk's family, Laurie, Alyssa, Megan and William of Flowood.

Maternal great-grandmother Lauretta Clark, grandparents James Paul and Judy Mason and friends Chuck, Kim and Chelsey McClain of Philadelphia and Belhaven were in attendance along with John, T.J., Will and Caroline Shapley of Madison. Friends departed mid-afternoon and the family gathered again at FUMC for the evening Son Shine Praise Kids' "Star of Wonder" Christmas musical.


Fw: Christmas Dinner Menu:

Sent: Dec 22, 2010 9:50 PM
Subject: Christmas Dinner Menu:
Christmas Dinner Menu:
Pancetta wrapped beef tenderloin with horseradish sauce, asparagus-new potato hash, roasted root vegetable salad, wild rice pilaf, and sister schubert rolls. Baked goat cheese dip app, sausage balls, cornflake marshmellow candy.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Sunday, December 19

Pictures from our visit home

We had a GREAT visit home a couple weeks ago! I think between the two
of us we did a good amount of visiting but we didn't stretch ourselves
too thin and were really able to enjoy some time with friends and
family. My nieces are SOOO big and such precious little girls. We
got to see MP in action on the basketball court and for her church
Christmas program, as well as be there for MM's babtism. We made the
most of our time at home and have special memories for sure. Aiports
goodbyes are the worst because there's no lingering and goodbye is a
blink of the eye.

These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
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Monday, November 29

Last of the Firsts

I'm just days away from having been here in Colorado for one year.  Pretty hard to believe how fast the year went.  I realized at Thanksgiving that K and I were spending our last "first" together and we have now essentially spent 365 days together.  I was kind of sad when the reality first set in but I'm not going to read anymore in to it, besides there's way more surprises in store for us I am sure.  Although, we have now spent all major and minor holidays together- which makes me really happy. 

We actually have a flight planned to go home this Thursday-Monday (Dec. 6), which will be one year to the day that I left Mississippi.  Not really that ironic but kind of interesting how it worked out.  Looking forward to seeing my nieces and visiting with family.

It's looking like my work will wrap up tomorrow and I haven't heard any word about more to come.  I pretty upset about this timing and just hadn't really thought it all through because now I'm anticipating that I"ll be out of work until the new year, just given the holidays and all.  That really blows because I won't be able to do much of a Christmas for us.  Perhaps something will come up but I'm really not feeling that it will.  When we get back from Mississippi I am going to try and find some kind of Holiday-season work, somewhere. . . .

The doggies are all good.  Dixie is so happy for the winter weather.  Today it was single-digit temperatures, with the wind, and I could not get her to come in from the backyard.  Ha.  The other two were of course buried under blankets inside.  They are SO incredibly spoiled now that I've been working from home the last few weeks.  Paige is essentially in my lap all day.  I definitely think she's a little confused about whether she's a dog or a baby, which is partly my fault because I pamper her pretty good. 

We still haven't had a big snow yet here in Denver but I know it is just a matter of days, maybe even while we're gone (although right now the forecast looks pretty mild). 

That's about all for now.  I'm sure I'll have pictures of snow soon. 

Thursday, November 11

First Dusting

And it's still going, might get up to 6 inches today! Glad I'm working from home today!!!
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Sunday, October 31


She's so pretty! and SO big!
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Skeleton Nieces

Even on Halloween they are too cute!! Man, I miss them.
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Friday, October 29

Thursday, October 28


MP 7 years;  MM 6 mos.  

Monday, October 25

Message from your friend

Your friend C thought you might be interested in this article.

I believe Old Man Winter is here! Although we won't see snow in Denver out of this storm, I believe we could any day now that this storm has moved through . . . !!!! Tonight's low is 30 and then 20s the next two or three days!!! Oh no, oh no, oh no

Wednesday, October 20

Breaking the silence

I'm not exactly sure why I haven't made more of an effort to write lately.  We've gotten ourselves into a bit of a routine these last few weeks and I guess all is just clicking right along.  Of course there's been a million passing thoughts, ideas, complaints, inspirations, joys, and low points that I've wished I would've written about but all that is in the past at the moment.  Right now I am sitting on our back porch, amongst our bit of dessert-land (the backyard) and enjoying the sunshine.  The nights and mornings have started to be in the low 40s so the house is now chilly and will go from chilly to down right freezing in a matter of weeks I'm sure. 

This week I've had the good fortune of being able to work from home on the project with Falcon.  We are asked to work four 10s, so I'm still on the computer most of the day but at least I am at home and can have some flexibility in when I get my hours in.

I'm slowly getting back into a decent workout routine.  I finally joined a gym and as ridiculous as it may sound, man did I need to do that a few months ago.  It has helped my psyche tremendously!  . . . not so much my weight but I have felt generally a lot better since getting back into the gym last month.  I missed spinning way more than I realized (and so did my thighs). 

The first of the snow caps are back and the mountains look beautiful, along fall colors.  The weather is really perfect right now and the doggies are loving it.  Although I know, Dixie, at least is looking forward to some more snow to roll around in for sure. 

Hard to believe it is almost Halloween.  EVERYONE says we'll most likely have snow on the ground by then.  We didn't get ski passes yet and not sure we'll be able again this year.  Plus I obviously need a board and boots.  There's several sales going on at all the outdoor gear places but other bills have obviously taken precedence.  I do hope to try and get up on a board a few times this year, or rather try and go to the mountain and attempt to get up on a board.  I've met a friend at work that says she needs to re-learn riding and will be glad to go out with me some days.  We'll see about all that!

EXCITING, EXCITING NEWS!!!  We have our first visitors coming for New Year's Eve.  We'll be ringing in 2011 with the McCls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hope we aren't all snowed in :)

Monday, October 11

Trip through the Mountains to see the leaves changing

We drove up through Winter Park area and on top Hot Sulpher Springs just in time to catch the Aspens/leaves changing recently.  It was a great drive through the mountains and we even saw a family of rams on the way back down.