Monday, January 24

Message from your friend

Your friend C thought you might be interested in this article.

I don't usually get too caught up in matters such as this but I guess today I am avoiding my work and looking for excuses to blab. OF COURSE HE IS INSANE - no sane person does this, just as no sane person commits suicide bombings or shoots up his workplace or a student shooting up his school. That is NOT sane behavoir. To me there needs to be an overhaul of the judicial system's approach to "Not Guilty by reason of insanity" I think we should not only look at whether the individual had the capacity to know and/or be aware of the consequences of his/her actions but also the basis of ones claimed insanity. Obviously what I propose is very subjective, but when matters of insanity we're already being subjective so let's add another step and go a little deeper. People lose their minds over ANYTHING and just because they CLAIM insanity does NOT excuse them from prison in all instances. We have all been around truly insane people . . . or maybe not, but I have seen a few on 16th Street here in Denver and experienced some on the light rail and from my, albeit, bird's eye view THIS man should not be found not guilty by reason of insanity.

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