This was at Sunday's game against the Padres, which we ended up blowing in the 7th but still took two out of three for the series. K had to work but I was invited by a girl I had met out here through AB, who also went with us. We missed K for sure but enjoyed the game. It was SO hot until a typical afternoon thunder shower in the 6th. D, the landlord/friend, was also at the game and had sweet seats in the Table Mountain Ranch restaurant so we met him just in time for the rain and watched the final few innings in style!
July 4th was K's only day off for the "holiday" weekend so we hung close to the house. Finally checked out the Belmar Farmer's Market and had a few Bloody's at Baker before going home for our veggie-grillfest. We did grilled zucchini stuffed w/goat cheese, stuffed jalapenos, veggie skewers and corn. Honestly, we didn't really miss the meat and were plenty full . . . though of course had room for WholeFoods' bread pudding AND strawberry shortcake!
Since we've gone veggie, I've been to two Rockies games (which is of course the quintessential place for a Rockie-dog) and also had to endure my coworkers ordering up some gourmet hotdogs from Biker Jim's Dogs food cart outside the building . . . Oh and I attended a BBQ in celebration of a friend of K's recent nuptials complete with grilled chicken, burgers and brats. So far, no meat and so far, no weight lost for me that is. Of course K can't get his belt tight enough. Typical!
We're so excited about our upcoming trip home and are pretty much just talking about that 24/7. Other than unnecessary yet expected family tension, we couldn't be happier to finally get to visit Mississippi- even if it is the hottest week of the year!