Had my first hiking experience this weekend. It was a beautiful day
in Colorado and K and I picked a nearby 5.6 mile trail, Apex Trail
in Golden, Colorado. It was listed as a moderate hike
basically meant that it was year-round friendly and minimal elevation
gain (just 1000 foot). It was so, so very pretty and sufficiently
challenging for sure. We were literally about 10 miles from our house
and it felt like we were "lost in the wild" at times ;) K can
elaborate on that for you... after we reached the summit/end of the
Apex trail we could turn around and retrace or we could take a side
trail through the Enchanted Forest... Um, yeah not so Enchanted for
this Mississippi girl considering it was snow/ice covered terrain and
the width of a horse trail at times...well, I know that sounds serene
but next time I will have on adequate hiking boots, WITH grippers, so
that EVERY step I take I am not slipping and sliding. Ha, but not so
Ha! at the time. Anyway, besides our detour through the
not-so-Enchanted Forest, the hike was perfect! I only fell once and we had a great workout. We saw lots of grazing
deer and beautiful birds, as well as a dead snake (key=DEAD). I was
really surprised at the number of people we met along the trail... not
sure why because it was a perfect day to be outside.. We literally
met all types of folks on that one trail though... Seniors, Families
(with less than year-old children on their backs), young adults,
doggies, loners, couples, runners, mountain bikers. Which I just have
to say that those mountain bikers are extreme...we met one couple
taking their bikes into the Enchanted Forest trail... yes, the one I
just described above. The woman fell with her bike on the icey rock,
picked herself up and got on the BIKE... I was clinging to K the
entire way and this crazy woman and man were about to ride their bikes
up there!!! I am about positive that I won't become that adventurous out
here, but I did love the hiking and hope to get more comfortable with
my outdoor/adventurous side as the months...and cold weather passes.
The pictures from our hike. We kept trying to capture the blue jays
that were flying around everywhere (I think they were blue jays...)
but we weren't' quiet enough, I guess. Also, saw this really cool
half white, half black bird that I don't think I have ever seen
before, but honestly I have never really stopped to watch the birds
before but in this setting all you want to do is watch the wilderness
and the beauty that spans before you around every corner. I mean just
going to the grocery store is a beautiful picture of the mountains :)
These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
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