Tuesday, December 29

First White Christmas!!!

K and I had a great Christmas Day and though it wasn't actively snowing, we had gotten about eight inches the two days before and definitely had a white Christmas! We had received and/or moved out with Christmas packages from our family, as well as our own gifts to one another and ended up with quite a spread. Our Holiday feast started with mimosas in our Chrystal flutes (or "the instruments" as K prefers to call them) and continued with a Southern Chicken Bake, Peas (from dad's garden, which made the move with us, as well as other homegrown treats), wilted spinach salad, crescent rolls, and topped off with a Razzleberry Marie Calendar's pie! We talked to family and friends throughout the day, staying in our PJs and watching movies all day.

Hope everyone had as Happy a Christmas Day as we did!

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