Tuesday, December 29
Believe it or not, this was my first 3D movie experience! Surprisingly, I really liked this movie. We really had no idea what it was about, but K had read a bunch of the reviews and had a few people tell him personally it was worth seeing and worth seeing in 3D. This will probably come out wrong, but for me it was The Last Samuri meets Lord of the Rings... I'm no movie critic, so that is just my own attempt to make it relatable.

First White Christmas!!!
K and I had a great Christmas Day and though it wasn't actively snowing, we had gotten about eight inches the two days before and definitely had a white Christmas! We had received and/or moved out with Christmas packages from our family, as well as our own gifts to one another and ended up with quite a spread. Our Holiday feast started with mimosas in our Chrystal flutes (or "the instruments" as K prefers to call them) and continued with a Southern Chicken Bake, Peas (from dad's garden, which made the move with us, as well as other homegrown treats), wilted spinach salad, crescent rolls, and topped off with a Razzleberry Marie Calendar's pie! We talked to family and friends throughout the day, staying in our PJs and watching movies all day.
Hope everyone had as Happy a Christmas Day as we did!

Hope everyone had as Happy a Christmas Day as we did!
Here are our girls! They are finally getting comfortable with one another and have found their perspective spots in the house, for the most part!
Kaitlin (the red one) is a maniac and difficult to get a good picture, but she's endearing and quickly grows on you.
Dixie (the big one) seems to just love the snow and is figuring out the two little ones
I am, of course, trying to be sensitive to her feelings given that she's so used to it just being us two. I am not doing a good job of getting her out for her walks but am vowing to do better.
Paige (the black and tan one) is our old girl (6 years) and she's the most laid back dog I have ever been around. So so sweet and affectionate. I, the evil step-mother, came in and moved her bed, a pompizon (?) chair, to the back bedroom... I don't think she was too phased but I still feel bad!
She's taken over a particular corner on one of the couches though and seems to have forgiven me because she will lay in my lap for hours on end if I let her.
They had a bid Christmas and have successfully destroyed all their new toys. K and I took them all for a walk yesterday, for the first time, to the nearby walking trail. It was beautifully snow-covered, and a bright, clear day... of course I forgot the camera. Paige and Dix did great off the leash, which allowed us to make Kaitlin's leash triple long... I can't explain how crazy she is trying to walk her. Long story short, she inadvertently got loose and K had to chase her into the neighborhood next to the trail and probably for about two blocks, at least. He said she'd turn and look at him and then take off again. Finally, she paused at a door where there was apparently a dog inside and he was able to get her. Needless to say Kaitlin has a lot to learn and won't get to go on any walks with Paige, Dix and I anytime soon!
Corby A. Mason
Kaitlin (the red one) is a maniac and difficult to get a good picture, but she's endearing and quickly grows on you.
Dixie (the big one) seems to just love the snow and is figuring out the two little ones
Paige (the black and tan one) is our old girl (6 years) and she's the most laid back dog I have ever been around. So so sweet and affectionate. I, the evil step-mother, came in and moved her bed, a pompizon (?) chair, to the back bedroom... I don't think she was too phased but I still feel bad!
They had a bid Christmas and have successfully destroyed all their new toys. K and I took them all for a walk yesterday, for the first time, to the nearby walking trail. It was beautifully snow-covered, and a bright, clear day... of course I forgot the camera. Paige and Dix did great off the leash, which allowed us to make Kaitlin's leash triple long... I can't explain how crazy she is trying to walk her. Long story short, she inadvertently got loose and K had to chase her into the neighborhood next to the trail and probably for about two blocks, at least. He said she'd turn and look at him and then take off again. Finally, she paused at a door where there was apparently a dog inside and he was able to get her. Needless to say Kaitlin has a lot to learn and won't get to go on any walks with Paige, Dix and I anytime soon!
Corby A. Mason
Monday, December 21
Fwd: 14 pictures for you
Saturday we drove North of Boulder, to Nederland, which was a winding
trip through the flatirons (that's what they call the mountains in
that area). Just beyond Nederland, was Eldora where there is skiing
but we didn't go that far North. Drove back down and spent the
afternoon on Pearl Street in Boulder... which was a strip that
reminded me somewhat of Jackson Square in Nola. Lots of cool shops
and resturaunts, as well as street vendors and/or characters too!
Nederland was a really cool mountain town where some members of String
Cheese live and they apparently have awesome music all the time, as
well as neat little craft shops and bars. We hope to go back and stay
at least a night there some time.
Wednesday, November 18
Snow boots and sweaters
Yesterday I stopped in Buffalo Bobs to look for some potential good deals on "winter wear" before the big move. I did not find the sweaters I had in mind but I did find snow boots that were originally $230 for $39.00!! (OH, and they were just my size!) They also had another pair, not quite so bulky in my size for $29.00. My lucky day or what. Ha. The purchase of the boots got me all side tracked from returning to work after lunch and I ended up spending the next couple hours on a mission for sweaters (at a steal of a deal price as well) and/or other Colorado-living type clothes.
Anyway, I realized when I finally got home, with a little help from my Grandma, that I did not NEED any of my purchases (well, the boots really are necessary as I do not have shoes that would keep my feel warm in the snow...besided the point though). My dear Grandma had written me the sweetest note, that appeared to span over the course of a few days as there were dated segments within the letter. I must say that I have not received a letter in years, other than the typical non-personal Christmas cards and b'day cards. Uncle H. used to include short notes in his cards and such but it has become more difficult for him the last couple years, at 98 years young. Grandma R's note also included a few clippings, one of a wedding announcement from the local paper that she felt would be of interests to me and another of a passage regardings appreaciating what we have and gratitude for the things we have versus always wanting more... which brings me to my point today. How fitting that I receive this letter from my Grandma on the very day when I had essentially gone on this manic shopping spree brought on by my desire to have more. The reality is I have plenty of sufficient clothing and scarfs and hats and such to survive the winter in Denver. Though the boots were a necessity and a GREAT find, the rest of my purchases were extravagent and only served as an outlet for my ever growing emotional confusion for the upcoming weeks, months ...
Take aways from my expensive, wasted day:
- Be greatful for the things you have.
- Express your appreciation and greatfulness, it will help to deter the feelings of wanting more.
- Spending money may seem theraputic but IT IS NOT!!
- IF the need to spend money is theraputic, be conscious of the needs versus the wants and best to just buy for others, this will make you (and someone else feel better) and you're less likely to spend as much on others.
Lastly, and off topic, I unexpectedly said something pretty profound to a friend today over lunch regarding a very big life-changing decision he is wrestling with and will try to recap it here:
Just recognize when you are the only one getting in your own way (of acting/doing/deciding) and when you do that, Stop! and make yourself move forward with the decision.
Of course I don't remember it quite as eloquently as I had at the time.
Friday, November 13
The unfamiliar versus the familiar
Tonight I am in Oxford for what is potentially my last weekend here for a very long time. I was not even really wanting and/or needing to come this weekend for obvious reasons of needing to pack (which I have minimally done), but Dixie and I ended up piling in with Yancey and MP at the last minute and here we are. The whole drive up all I could think was how bad I needed to be packing and how much I was NOT looking forward to the ever ensuing family drama, particularly regarding my upcoming move but more or less just the general "hum drum" that comes with all of us in the same place for any length of time. Thank the Lord for MP, she is OUR saving Grace without a doubt :)
Anyway, got here and just didn't feel like going to DOB, otherwise known as DOBFNPP and really just wanted to be alone. I took Dixie for a walk and just became overwhelmed with emotion as I passed Square Books. I, of course, have been really emotional lately just with all the stress and anxiety of moving and stuff but I also at the funeral of my best friend's mom yesterday, who had taken me under her wing, as she did with any of L's friends. As I passed by Bottle Tree, City Grocery, Old Venice, Square Books, Neilsons, I was so overwhelmed with feelings of comfort of the known and familiar although not having lived here in three years. I guess really it was the upcoming inevitable of the unknown. Then I passed some new place Lenoras and another new place Angies and Roosters and all these unfamiliar places in the midst of my comfort zone and realized that what makes Oxford so comfortable now is just the memories. Memories of undergrad and memories from law school; nine years of memories; the start of my adulthood. I mean Oxford is where I found my own dentist, doctor, etc. It is where I lost myself and then found myself, as the woman I am today. I found my security, my confidence, my internal comfort. I lived on my own bought my first Holiday decorations. Grew up.
I am way over thinking it, I know! I am honestly just overwhelmed with emotions. I am SOOOOO excited about my new move and being with MH, FINALLY!! I know all this is stemming from being with my undergraduate friends and just feelings and memories from the past. I can not put in to words how excited I am about all the new experiences I am going to have. I am just overwhelmed at the moment with all of the new places and things that I will have to figure out. I mean where will I get a great cup of coffee, and I don't mean Starbucks (I'm not a fan). And where will I go to the Dentist, where will I find a good Vet for Dix. Haha. I know it will work out! I am just stressing!!!!! I am simply overwhelmed and way over thinking. I am so beyond ready to start this adventure. I know MH and I will make it all work and figure out all this "unkown" together. I'm simply just venting and to be honest just maintaining some peace of mind while mom, dad, and Y go back and forth about what to put in the cooler and how much broccoli to have in the morning ;)
Anyway, got here and just didn't feel like going to DOB, otherwise known as DOBFNPP and really just wanted to be alone. I took Dixie for a walk and just became overwhelmed with emotion as I passed Square Books. I, of course, have been really emotional lately just with all the stress and anxiety of moving and stuff but I also at the funeral of my best friend's mom yesterday, who had taken me under her wing, as she did with any of L's friends. As I passed by Bottle Tree, City Grocery, Old Venice, Square Books, Neilsons, I was so overwhelmed with feelings of comfort of the known and familiar although not having lived here in three years. I guess really it was the upcoming inevitable of the unknown. Then I passed some new place Lenoras and another new place Angies and Roosters and all these unfamiliar places in the midst of my comfort zone and realized that what makes Oxford so comfortable now is just the memories. Memories of undergrad and memories from law school; nine years of memories; the start of my adulthood. I mean Oxford is where I found my own dentist, doctor, etc. It is where I lost myself and then found myself, as the woman I am today. I found my security, my confidence, my internal comfort. I lived on my own bought my first Holiday decorations. Grew up.
I am way over thinking it, I know! I am honestly just overwhelmed with emotions. I am SOOOOO excited about my new move and being with MH, FINALLY!! I know all this is stemming from being with my undergraduate friends and just feelings and memories from the past. I can not put in to words how excited I am about all the new experiences I am going to have. I am just overwhelmed at the moment with all of the new places and things that I will have to figure out. I mean where will I get a great cup of coffee, and I don't mean Starbucks (I'm not a fan). And where will I go to the Dentist, where will I find a good Vet for Dix. Haha. I know it will work out! I am just stressing!!!!! I am simply overwhelmed and way over thinking. I am so beyond ready to start this adventure. I know MH and I will make it all work and figure out all this "unkown" together. I'm simply just venting and to be honest just maintaining some peace of mind while mom, dad, and Y go back and forth about what to put in the cooler and how much broccoli to have in the morning ;)
Wednesday, November 11
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